Thursday, February 24, 2011

i movie

this was one of the most funnest and final project that we got to do for our technology class. It is your final grade which we need to do the best, and add all the things that we have used for all the projects, such as the i movie, editing pictures or voices, and adding videos. This was the simplest project of them all, i had help such as how to add the picture to i movie. The most difficult was finding a number of pictures to add to the whole show. Another hard thing to do would be trying to find the perfect music to go with it, which is hard ever since i can't acces my i tunes, to get new one, nd the video was somewhat hard to make, over all i am glad to have done this project, and I finally learned how to use i movie and how to organize my phots and where and how to save them in the appropriate file. I really enjoyed this class with its many project, but I will mostly miss the friends that I have made during those partner or group activities that I have done.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Music Genome

Our latest project was a i movie project. We had to all pick a different genre of music. I choose at first Techno, due to the fact that I was listening to a favorite Techno song of mine called, Push me, and it was by this Techno group called Benny Bassi. I liked this song at first in a game that i always dance to to loose weight called Dance central (best game ever). But the problem was when i searched for other Techno song and i really could not find any good ones that I liked. So i ended up choosing my native culture which is Latin. I had much more fun and know of the topic. The problem now is now i can not choose between what song i should and should not have, another problem is that i can not find my project, so that sucks!!!!


For our project we had to use a website called Zamzar. It was to transfer videos of a website such as Youtube or Yahoo into i movie for another project that we are doing for a music genre. This website was really hard to work and get into due to the fact that when you would have it exported but some of the videos did not work so you would get frustrated. A thing that was just a difficult time for me was that it needed a email account but my email did not work and let me in maybe because it said that i had the wrong password and that this was not my account. Overall this was a difficult project to work on.