Friday, December 3, 2010

Letters to charity

We had a project to do and it required both the word document, and Microsoft excel. In the word what we did our letter to charity which was required to write, and it was kinda boring and confusing. We also had to find a company to be, and a charity to contribute to. I chose Xbox 360 for my company, and Toys For Tots for my charity. We had to put a header which i feel is the most important on a document or to a letter, and than insert the companies logo. which was fun to find. We also had to make up these address to pretend to send to people which was very fun and i made up names from video game characters such as in my favorite game Assassins Creed for Ezio, and princess Peach. I really enjoyed, but it was really hard to start this whole project. But I do not wish to do another ever again.


  1. This is a good post Johanna and of course you pick video game character and xbox 360 as your company. I love your background and the colors they are so pretty and fun.

  2. ur 2, my long message to u got erased so mad.
