Thursday, January 6, 2011

Garageband Vocal Podcast

For our next project we are to choose a movie we have seen, and write our own review about it. I choose a movie that i have recently seen and am now obsess with these movie series. The movie is James bond Casino Royale. I of course choose it because the movie has awesome action, and awesome stunts preform. I usually never like action movies cause they look boring, but something about this movie got me so into liking, it must be Craig Daniel who plays James Bond, who is so cool, and cocky, and of course the way he looks. We had to do the review on Garageband in podcast. Which I saw this as a difficult challenge, mostly cause there was so many new thing to do at so little time, I do not like working on this as much, but it really looks like a fun project. We are to record our voice and have a script on the movie review and talk about it while our picture slides are showing. I do not like the part that we are to record our voice, because i do not like how my voice sounds in the recording, it is a lot of work but it would have been funner if we had more time. This project is a challenge.

Monday, January 3, 2011

story board

we last year had to do a story board thing that required to choose a topic of a curriculum of PND. Although i wanted to choose the topic church history, which a topic that i was most comfortable with, my group decided we were going to do Teens for life. Witch was a topic that i was not aware of what so ever. So i went along with it and it was a subject. We for this group project, we have to interview one of the staff involved with this club. Which was of course Mrs. Lavin, and apart of interviewing the teacher we also had to include the members in teens for life, (the students). Which will also be a challenge, because we have no idea who is in the club. We are also having trouble finding picture of the club. Finding questions for the interview that make scene are going to be a challenge. A least Mrs. Lavin is free during Tec class so we can interview her. This going to be a interesting project!